Benefits of Membership:
Social & networking before
and after evening meeting.
An opportunity to network with over 80 members.
Learn about your community with local speakers.
Leave of absence available, “snow bird” friendly.
Club Rental for membership.
Learn More About Becoming a
Kiwanis Member
The Cape May Kiwanis,
established in 1923, is a leading and vibrant service
organization dedicated to serving the children of the world. Cape May Kiwanis is a licensed charitable organization filled
with members that enthusiastically contribute personal time and
resources to help many different types and levels of local
charities and projects. It is made up of business and professional people formed to
maintain commercial ethics and a social and charitable
organization. Our focus is simple, yet significant... Create opportunities for
children to strengthen character, improve grades and develop as
future leaders through service. Working together, Kiwanis members achieve what one person cannot
accomplish alone. When you give a child a chance to learn,
experience, dream and succeed, great things happen!
The six permanent Objects of
Kiwanis International:
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To give primacy to the human and
spiritual rather than to the material values of life. |
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To encourage the daily living of the
Golden Rule in all human relationships. |
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To promote the adoption and the
application of higher social, business and professional
standards. |
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To develop, by precept and example, a
more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable
citizenship. |
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To provide,
through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to form
enduring friendships, to render altruistic service and
to build better communities |
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To cooperate in creating and
maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism
which make possible the increase of righteousness,
justice, patriotism and goodwill. |

The Cape May Kiwanis
commitment to working with the youth of the community
supporting scholarships for graduating high school
seniors is a primary and key commitment for the club.
The winners - Read More
Memory Lane - Buy A Brick
Now you can have a lasting memory at the beach by
purchasing a brick on the Kiwanis “Memory Lane.” Your
brick will be professionally engraved and become a part
of the walkway leading to the historic Kiwanis
Life Saving Station.
See Details and how to
order |
